Confronting Your Emotional Eating Mindset

Confronting Your Emotional Eating Mindset-Plate of Cookies

It’s tempting to think, “I’ll just wait until January to start working out or eating healthy.” Or “Since I ate a cookie, I blew it, what’s the use of trying to eat healthy the rest of the day. I’ll just finish the entire bag.” These are all thoughts I’ve had before, and I’m sure you have too.

When it comes to the holidays, many people tend to give up from the very beginning. They expect to fail and think they're better off starting fresh in January. You don’t realize you can enjoy food and that enjoying food doesn’t mean you have to binge.

One of the lies we believe is that bad food makes you bad. We take it further by believing this "bad" behavior needs to be punished, bringing shame into the equation. More than likely, shame will keep you stuck and continue to keep you from making healthy decisions and feeling great.

Open your eyes to your relationship to food and how you can enjoy holiday eating.

Think about your emotional association with food.

For most of us, there is an emotional component to eating. Think about it. When you are upset about something, do you have a desire to run to the store and get a half-gallon of your favorite ice cream or a bag of Oreos? Whatever your vice is, there are emotions associated with it. The same goes for the holiday season. Some treats remind you of your childhood, or they are only around for a short time. There is a desire to enjoy these things during the season, but they are still labeled “bad” choices. What if you had the freedom to have whatever you wanted? What if you told yourself, “I can have whatever I want”. Or, ask yourself, “Do I really want it?”, or after a few bites, “Do I feel satisfied?”. If you mindfully ask these questions, you realize a little goes a long way. You can then make the decision to stop after enjoying it a little.

Identify the lies you believe, and then tell yourself the truth!

These thoughts are obviously lies, but you believe this stuff all the time. Consider how the emotional component to your thoughts, which become beliefs, aren't true. AKA lies! Instead, try writing this down and post it on your refrigerator, think about what you are thinking about.

Consider the truth in these scenarios:

  • I can develop good habits during the holidays

  • It’s possible to enjoy sweet treats or savory meals without gaining weight.

  • One or two cookies don’t blow my whole day.

  • Habits take at least 21 days to form. I will begin my journey.

  • Moving even a minimal amount is making a difference rather than doing nothing.

  • I can find short workouts I enjoy.

  • I can be intentional about moving even if I can’t do a full workout program.

So what do you think? Could you make some changes this December by thinking about what you’re thinking about, identifying what lies you’re telling yourself, and then speak the truth into your situation? I encourage you not to wait. Think of the outcome. You could feel more energy and less sluggish going through Christmas and be happier and enjoy family and friends more. You could walk into 2022 with a few new habits under your belt and have a stronger foundation to build upon.

You can do it!

This month's recipe is a quick and easy one to support your good habits during the holiday season.

Tuna White Bean Salad from Run Fast. Cook Fast. Eat Slow.: Quick-Fix Recipes for Hangry Athletes by Shalane Flanagan and Elyse Kopecky


Tuna White Bean Salad

  • 1 can (5 ounces) tuna, drained

  • 1 cup cannellini beans, rinsed and drained

  • 1/4 cup red onion, finely chopped

  • 2 tbsp Kalamata olives, chopped

  • 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar

  • 2 tbsp extra-vergin olive oil

  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Combine ingredients in a bowl

  2. Serve over your favorite salad greens or on whole-grain toast

The Tuna White Bean Salad Recipe is from:
Run Fast. Cook Fast. Eat Slow.: Quick-Fix Recipes for Hangry Athletes
by Shalane Flanagan and Elyse Kopecky


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