How to Handle Conflict with Airbnb Guests

The text message from Airbnb pushes through to your notifications and a lump forms in your throat. You know what they’re asking goes against your rental policy, but you hate to disappoint and have a hard time saying no. You start questioning your policies, and wonder if maybe you’re being too rigid. “The little dog they requested couldn’t do that much harm could it?”

Canary Hill Cottage is a studio apartment that connects to our home through a hallway that goes into our basement where the laundry is located. I was down there the other morning and saw that the light was on. My husband Tellus turned it off, and then I saw it on again the next day. I went in there to turn it off and knew I smelled smoke. It actually smelled more like weed. I was pretty upset that they got into the hall in the first place, and that they may be smoking on the property. We don’t allow smoking of any kind.

I will tell you a secret. You will have stuff come up that ruffles your feathers and goes against your policies. You will get mad and frustrated. Guests will do things that make you question humanity! LOL I guess I’m being a little overdramatic, but seriously, “What were they thinking??”

The question isn’t “if” but “when”.

Here is the deal. It’s your property and you have the right to create the policies and enforce them. Don’t second guess yourself. 

6 Tips for Dealing with Bad Guests at Your Vacation Rental

Here are a six tips that will help you handle confrontation with guests in a respectful and professional manor.

  1. Know where you stand and then stand firm. When you’re clear on the front end, you are more confident enforcing your policies.

  2. Take a deep breath and wait to respond. Don’t respond to things out of emotion. Don’t be hasty to respond unless there is danger of some kind or will hurt someone.

  3. Give the guest the benefit of the doubt.

  4. Communicate clearly and in a kind way.

  5. If they don’t follow the rules, contact Airbnb Resolution Center and inquire how you should handle the situation. 

  6. Write a review that reflects the situation honestly. This will help all hosts in the future as well!

Here are some more examples of situations from other Airbnb hosts. These friends own or manage vacation rentals. You can see their perspective and how they handle guest issues.

Sydney | Vacation Rental Owner | @deervalleyhome

“We’ve been so lucky with all of our guests. I wish I had a good story but the only annoying thing was at the start of the pandemic. We lowered our prices and had a couple who smoked weed in the house and left some on the counter. It was our third or fourth guest and we didn’t do anything about it. In the future, I would reach out the Airbnb first, file a claim for extra cleaning  and leave the guests a bad review!”

Justine | Springfield, MO

“I have chosen to have a “No Pet” policy for my short-term rental. I am always amazed at the number of people who still ask if they can bring their fur baby despite seeing my policy. There have been situations where guests have brought a pet in without asking; THANK YOU RING CAMERA for catching them in the act. 

I am typically kind in my response and remind them of the policy. Because the pet is already in the home, I charge them a pet and extra cleaning fee. I have yet to have to go to Airbnb Customer Service with any issues; as all guests are understanding and willing to pay the fee. However, I have such confidence in knowing that I have the legal backing and protection of businesses like VRBO and Air-BNB should any large issues ever arise.”

Prepare Yourself with Policies to Manage Rule Breakers

To hosts struggling with rules being broken and how to handle them, I encourage you to remember your space is your space. If someone cannot respect that, reach out to your customer service team. Be kind and cordial always, but do not feel bad if you have to turn away guests. I am sure they will easily find another home to meet their needs.

Along with implementing these tips, work on your mindset and develop a layer of thick skin. Some people have no problem with this. I, on the other hand, am a recovering people pleaser. People pleasing can cause a lot of anxiety. Building a business that brings in income while you sleep should be something you enjoy rather than keep you up all night worrying! Be confident in the decisions you make. It’s your property and at the end of the day, you need to do what’s best for you and your family.

Are there scenarios stopping you from starting a vacation rental? Please share! I would love to know your thoughts and answer your questions.


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