“Who is Taking Care Of You?”–Finding A Support Team

“You’re busy taking care of everyone else, but who is taking care of you?” my friend asked me a month ago. I reached out to her after watching her social media and seeing her running and lifting progress but also her body composition changing. Who doesn’t love to see before and after pictures along with the sweat poured into it?

If you follow me on social media, you know that I am getting back into working out and my six-month postpartum body. I’ve done some workout programs for postpartum but nothing intentionally to drop body fat and get stronger. My goal is to be strong, healthy, full of energy for my family and to prepare to have another baby. I’m 35 years old and my husband is 41. We are not opposed to having littles back to back! I know I’m not THAT old, but why wait?

I’ve been in the health and wellness industry for 17 years and know what to do. I could put a plan together for someone else, but for myself it is different. I think it’s like that for most people. For me, I need accountability the most. To be transparent, I could easily let pride hold me back. I could believe I know everything, and I don’t need anyone, but that would only keep me stuck. 

We need support in all areas of our lives. My friend’s question, “You’re busy taking care of everyone else, but who is taking care of you?” was exactly what I needed to hear. I’m a mom of two, a wife, a business owner, and I pour myself out in those different roles. I’m sure you do too! So, who is taking care of you?

Through a short quiz, I’m going to help you identify who you need to help support you in different areas of your life. I actually consider anyone helping me- from my counselor, daycare lady, accountant, cleaning lady, virtual assistant, my family, a few friends, etc a part of my Support Team.

Comment below if you have any questions or need insight into the questions in the quiz.

Let’s go! You’ve got this. The best is yet to come.



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